Thursday, October 14, 2010

Driven to Drink!

After our not so successful venture into the world of the car boot sale I knew we had to make sure that whatever activities we invested our time in going forward were as productive as possible in terms of raising money.

We started putting the word out. Picking the brains of people we had heard had been successful when it came to raising money in the past. Two of the big winners seemed to be - bag packing in local supermarkets and church gate collections.

I knew that not being originally from Dublin would put me at a disadvantage in that I simply didn't know enough people in Dublin that I could enlist to help with a bag packing venture. However when Mary checked with some local supermarkets in Kilkenny she was told that they were all booked up until after Christmas! So that ruled that option out. The church gate collection was also out as we would have needed a permit from the Gardai.

One of the girls in work suggested that I contact a guy she knew who had also signed up as a volunteer but who had already raised his funds. I did and he was able to give me some great tips, one of which was to organise a drinks raffle in work.

As I had smaller numbers in my work location I changed a few things but it basically involved begging people in work to donate a bottle of wine or a bottle of spirits for a draw to be held the following week... and then asking them to buy tickets so that they could win these bottles back! I know...sounds like a non runner doesn't it

There would be 2 draws with tickets for the wine draw being sold for €5 each and tickets for the spirits draw being sold for €10 each.  There would be as many prizes as there were donations.

Gradually the bottles started pouring in. For some, my mother included, it was an opportunity to raid the drinks cabinet and clear out unwanted unopened bottles. The spirits donated ranged from Barcardi and Gin to Lemoncello and Creme de Cassis.

The day before the draw two of my colleagues (who by their own admission would not be shy) offered to go around the office and sell tickets and I was amazed with how much money they came back with. Their names can be passed on for a small donation!!!

All in all I raised €705 from the draw. Absolutely unbelieveable! And it helped me feel as though maybe, I could do this after all.

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