Sunday, October 17, 2010

Reaching my Target!

The last few weeks have been a really stressful time and I've questioned my sanity on numerous occasions. But getting the confirmation back from the matching fund in work that they were going to provide me with enough funds to meet my target made it all worthwhile.

The day after the table quiz notice was posted on the work intranet that the closing date for the matching fund was in one weeks time. Thankfully the proceeds from the quiz the night before meant that I was ready to make my application. I just hoped now that the fact that the closing date for applications was drawing near didn't mean that they were also running tight on funds.

Application submitted and everything crossed all I could do was wait.

Four days later, and on absolute tender hooks, I could wait no longer and decided to send a feeler mail to suss out whether or not my application had been successful. However just as I sent the mail I received confirmation that my application had proved successful. I swear...literally at the same time.

Faith was lending a hand. The relief! I immediately wrote back asking for clarification as to the amount that I had been approved for and received a reply to say that I was to receive the full amount. Absolutely incredible!

Five weeks to the day I had signed up I had made it. And what was even better I would have enough funds left over to bring Mary to her target as well! WOW!

I couldn't contain myself. I started to do a little celebratory dance at my desk! And my smile! Oh the relief! And my joy was shared by everyone around me.

In truth it was a real team effort and the looks on people's faces around me showed me how happy they were all for me. I can truly say that this experience has opened my eyes and I am really grateful for all the support that has been shown to me. I will never forget it!

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